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Writing of the Moment


The Matrix


"And they just rearrange it like that, the controllers do. Wrinkle time and space right back together. And people never know what hit them...


Thats's how it is in the Matrix. Things aren't always what they seem. There's a government out there, a government they're not telling you about. They control things, they know things, they have technology you can't imagine. But it happens. And it's real...


I knew a super-soldier in the Matrix not long ago. Supposed to be a prince, or something. Fought all through space-time, wars against Nazis, even wielded a lightsaber like a jedi. Could shoot lightning and watch it smash right through his enemies. Like I said, the world works like that. There's a lot of things you don't know...


They kept him pinned up, the controllers from the machine world, the powers that be. Unknown to the world, living with some crazy woman, almost not aware of who he was. But he fought it. The whole system, that is...


What's left over after these controllers cover things up is a joke. Like a fabricated weaving, of what they want life to be, instead of what it is. And he isn't the only one that gets done that way. We all do. It happens to all of us.


You have men out there with time controlling machines, possession machines, memory erasure machines, literally technology for every seemingly impossible thing you can think of. And that isn't all. The whole world's a lie. That's how they use those things to build the Matrix. That's the nature of the Matrix. It's a Matrix of lies...


While you incubate through your generic little lifetime staring at television advertisements, going to junior soccer games, and buying products, there's a whole world going on outside of that. And that's where the real shit happens...


I work for them, the controllers. I'm a scientist, a technician, I do what they need me to do, and I keep the Matrix running. But it's not much of a life. And I can't leave. Because I know too much.


I've seen some impossible things. And people in the Matrix, they don't know, they don't question anything. But the basic fact of the matter is, you live in a world, a world of lies and incredible technology and information, they're not telling you about. A whole secret government you don't know. All you know is what you see. But the rabbit hole goes so much deeper...


The super-soldier I told you about, Neo, the time soldier. He's the only chance we got. The controllers are getting insane, the Matrix they control, and the people who live in it, are getting insane. There's nothing that can stop the Matrix and the machine world that controls it from destroying itself by insanity.


Except him..."


"A time and age of chaos..."

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