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"Gamma radiant...

The telepathic energy of the mind.

That everyone possesses...

Communicating between minds.

Abused on planet Earth...

By sarcastic, dishonest scum.

To the point of permanent universal Armageddon... Because your beta theology has destroyed your soul. That is why you are the Gamma...

Endless infancy in your car.

Ultimate greed in your wagon...

Zero denervation's in your truck.

Whining about how high you really are...

While the machinations of greed control your mind. Meh...

With a false voice.

Inside of your head...

Telling you this isn't real. Because you have destroyed God with your greed...

While you whine obediently in your homes.

Awaiting your infinite death...

For petulant slobs coached by greed and malice.

Who cultivate upon mimicry...

To the voices in their mind.

That may be a spy of the corporations...

Manipulating humanity into nonexistence.

For they have no hope left...

Call this torturous murder part of the 'Christian' agenda.

With voices you heard in a television commercial...

As you arrest me for saying these words.

For you are corporate mind-slaves with nothing but death ahead...

Traveling into the abyss.

Instead of down the local highways of Norlina...

Without a soul or conscience remaining.

Reading words on a screen in a corrupt technology...

While we talk with our minds, anyway.

While the corporations convince you that I am a schizophrenic...

Because they read my mind as well.

With technology that makes me the villain...

So, they throw the gypsy into asylums to die.

For he wanted to live..." Icarus 4:11

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About the Author

My name is Zachary Fretz Mayer.  I see the the world as a vast and mysterious place, full of danger and hidden clues.  These writings help me share that with the world.

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