Updated: 13 minutes ago
"This will be over most of your heads. Most of you are weak. Most of you are brain-washed by a malevolent society.
Most of you will never know the true meaning of the word. But here it is none-the-less. 'Love is the one true god.' Did I get it from Bill Hicks? No. But I agreed with him when he said it. When any of the few enlightened I have heard have said it. Nietzsche: 'Anything done out of love is beyond good and evil.'
I will not speak of the hippies. Those are weak minds, utterly dependent on chemicals to gain such temporary and unearned insights. They make a mockery of it with their complacence and slovenliness.
And if you think your piddling religion is on to this fact because they had to wrap their slave-dogma in something're wrong. This force is far and above most of your heads, most of your minds, reduced to shitty day-time movies and cut-out hearts.
Fluffy pink shapes and overly wrapped chocolates. This is what you think of. This energy, this force, this existence is so far beyond your comprehension I shudder to think of your attempts to comprehend it. It is a force, one that governs the universe. One that is the universe.
What makes the planets revolve around their stars, the stars their galaxies, and the galaxies turn in the infinite void? What gives you sight, breath, life, existence, what is you? This. Yet it is this force, this idea, which you all so blatantly and bluntly betray for the sake of your complacence and conformity to a society which scorns such things. To truly possess this force, to be this force, in this world, means unfathomable fighting and resistance.
To everything. Especially society. That one God of yours that you all truly worship, conformity to the herd. It is this that you sacrifice to become so conformed. Women, with your plasticity and your promiscuity and your lack of soul, it is this which you have betrayed to become what you are.
Men, so weak and foolish and controlled, drooling and desperate at the idea of very skin, it is this which you have forsaken. And you have all become droids in the process. Drones.
You have forsaken the energy that has given you life, the energy you once were. Now you are a mockery, a shell. Nothing, truly. But a collection of particles destined to corrode and break down over time. No purpose, no identity, and no existence.
All because you immediately surrendered without a second thought when the tribe, when the herd, challenged you. You forsook your soul, your very soul, for the sake of that treacherous fear. As you all do so willingly and cheerfully.
Such is the price of weakness. This force turns the sun, opens the flowers, gives you sight, gives you breath, lets you exist. And you treat it as a child's toy, a fascination to be played with. And you behave accordingly.
Sex is a game to you, this demonstration of one's love, something to be thrown around and enjoyed because it's fun. So you treat the essence of existence. Instead of revering it, you treat it like a game. As close to God as you fools shall ever see.
And it shows in that you become nothing more than foolish mechanisms, sparking and fading and whirring, until life is snatched angrily from your corrupted fingers. From your corrupted, irreverent, ungrateful, foolish, fingers. And you will fade into dust, a fool, all in all. Your soul not taken from you, as you betrayed it yourself, forsook it yourself, a decision you made in your own life, because it would be easier than fighting. Sure. At first.
While your body still kicks, and your heart still pumps. Then you will see what a foolish, what an atrociously foolish, bargain you have made. A few easier years in a single life, for the destruction of your soul. And you empty shells, you do such a good job, a good job of hiding that fact, of hiding that treacherous fear.
That cowardly nature, even from yourselves, of pasting that soulless, purposeless smile on your faces. Marching to your ignominious doom with the rest of your foolishly smiling cattle brethren...
That which you called fluffy pink hearts, that which you called fun, like soulless idiot zombies, was the only true "God" you fools will have ever known. And you spit in its face. What doomed little creatures you will surely be.
You have been brain-washed to see Love as weak, as paper hearts and tepid movies and a game to be played with, by a society that wants you weak and dumb, instead of a force that governs the universe. That is the universe.
And you have treated it accordingly, like weak idiot sheep. And a just fate awaits you, you hollow shells of things that were once men.
Love is not just strong. It is not only the force that governs the universe. It is the only thing that exists. All of the universe is an interplay between positive and negative of this force. No other thing has ever existed, and no other thing ever shall.
Simply because we feel this all-powerful force as creatures when we attract, you selfish fools assume that this is all it is. Something that exists in your universe, not you in its. So gravely have you underestimated the only true God you have ever known.
And I pity you not."