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The Program

"The situation was getting intense. The 'cattle', or lower beings of reality, were catching on, had sentient awareness, from the government program, Scient, being released accidentally. Panic and mayhem were everywhere, as the new minds, the glorified slugs, of the cattle were taking hold.

Secrets were out, top secret information from all over the world now pouring into the mesosphere of the lower beings. Arnold Devereaux sat and thought, deep in an underground government lab, pondering the outbreak of information and awareness that was causing all this insanity.

Scient wasn't designed this way. Created to instruct researchers on the thoughts of high-level telepaths, Scient was meant to bridge the gap between humanity and the higher beings they could possibly become through evolution. Only the highest-level genetic specimens on Earth were taken into account for this project, and only the highest researchers had been involved in the study of their thoughts and brainwaves.

Things had gotten completely insane. Public attention had gotten out about Scient, genetically pristine telepaths creating a higher human race through brain studies, and the population had exploded with outrage. As if genetics weren't even a real thing. Arnold adjusted his lab coat sardonically and continued thinking.

Of course, they had. Of course, the outrage. They were the lower classes of humanity, trudging by in their anxious little affairs, no thoughts or wisdoms to speak of. Confronted with the very idea that life might be bigger than them and their shitty little lives. And now they were completely involved with this project. Reading the minds of the world's highest telepaths, watching their thoughts being studied, right on television at this point, for Christ's sake. Nothing good was going to come of this.

Not only could they watch the top-secret Scient program take place on a daily basis, these people were learning the world's other utmost top-secret programs and secrets from the mass wave of information. Scient created artificial telepathy, and Arnold Devereux knew what that was. Trouble.

The rumbling from the next room caught his attention. He looked over, curious if anyone knew what was going on. Sheesh. The visitation room. The lab had been forced to sign on other people, from the normal population, to study their reactions to not only the Scient program but the plethora of secrets and evils it was unleashing on the world.

Arnold walked over to the auditorium, gazing over the mass of discontent faces. The way they mooed, herded, whined thoughtlessly, they had earned this nickname. Cattle. There was no avoiding it. That was the nature of common humanity at this point. Now falsely telepathic and aware of infinite highly confidential government secrets in a way that endangered existence itself.

The telepaths being displayed on television were also psychic, and able to intuitively figure these secrets out in conversations with the researchers in the laboratories. To the chagrin of these lower-class idiots, who were too caught up in jealousy and welfare to think anything positive anymore. This was getting out of hand.

The telepaths, on satellite cameras all over reality, were being attacked. The cattle weren't having it, the obvious snooty superiority and beautiful looks of these higher genetic humans. Arnold looked around the visitation room, the cattle lined up hundreds deep in front of a vast screen showing that day's highest telepath doing daily activities.

Hatred, booing, thoughtless rancor, the room was in mayhem. Catching the eye of lab security nearby, Arnold Devereux exchanged a nod and walked off. It was as if humanity had split, one-part super-human and one-part farm animal. The Scient program had blown the lid off of that, for sure. Arnold smiled slightly to himself and walked down the hall and back to his desk. There was one thing to do with this situation, and one thing only.

Vast extermination. He flipped a coin, catching it and smacking it down without a glance. Let them find that out, too."

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About the Author

My name is Zachary Fretz Mayer.  I see the the world as a vast and mysterious place, full of danger and hidden clues.  These writings help me share that with the world.

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