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The Writings of Importance

"For a cloud had swarmed. Nothing was there, merely a mudball covered in ants. The world had ceased, and all above him had vanquished their glory.

Mere gnats of men, they had come to him and requested high. But naught would favor this remedy, for weak was the skin and sallow was the eye. Many incarnations had passed until this, the moment the scion regaled his adventure, but no one knew who he was...

The world had swarmed, and mudballs ceased, but one notion remained ascertained. Who...was...he? This man he was, was he high, was he loquacious, was he of this world?

For naught knew, for naught knew himself."

Nobodies 4:11

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About the Author

My name is Zachary Fretz Mayer.  I see the the world as a vast and mysterious place, full of danger and hidden clues.  These writings help me share that with the world.

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