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Timid Tigers

"Who possesses thou that thou speak to me so? Dost thou cast thine eyes upon mine in such a strange ilk and manner?

Thou hast lost thy mind to such chanting, for only to speak thy name is to speak of timid tigers.

Dost thou fight, or dost thou whimper? Why dost thou cringe on look, except to offer thine love with thine wretched hearts? Only then, dost thou timid tigers anger!

For thou art fools, and not tigers, to think thyself stranger and yet kin. For what dost thou do, who dost thou know?

Only chants and mantras of weakened fools."

Timid 4:11

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About the Author

My name is Zachary Fretz Mayer.  I see the the world as a vast and mysterious place, full of danger and hidden clues.  These writings help me share that with the world.

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